Tags and Awards

Inky’s Custom Contest

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m doing something I was tagged for back in February. Thank you to Prashana @ Readers’ Alcove for tagging me! Sorry I’m getting to this late.

credit to inky


  • add the featured image on the start of the post (but you can make your own design, and place mine at the end.
  • follow the selected categories: writing, painting, designing or baking.
  • max three entries (but you can only win one)
  • for writing, max words is 350. it also has to be family friendly.
  • for painting+ designing ; make sure it’s kid friendly. if you’re unsure; send it over to my gmail.
  • when paste (ing?) the logo; make sure to add the copyright credits. (caption)
  • use “inky’s custom contest” tag in the post.

I was planning on sharing this poem is a separate post, but then I remembered that I got tagged for this and thought it would be the perfect place to share it. This is a poem I wrote for an English assignment in class this year. We were able to right about anything we wanted, so I wrote about something I love. This is the first poem I’ve written that I’m really happy with, so I hope you enjoy it. I got inspiration from this quote:

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin

A Thousand Lives

They say a reader lives a thousand lives before the day they die,
in someone else’s shoes, they learn to grow and thrive.
I have lived so many people’s lives in my fifteen years.
I plan to live a thousand more before I disappear.

I have flown with dragons through the sky
in a land spun from myth,
and traveled seas of honey
full of wonderment and bliss.
I knelt before the ancient Gods
in a New York City palace,
and fought a bunch of monsters
alongside a girl with wit and prowess.

I sailed across the ocean blue
and sunk into its depths;
sacrificed myself, like many of the rest.
I was stuck behind the barbed fence wire,
a prisoner in my home,
surrounded by people who looked like me;
not free, but not alone.

I gave up both the sun and stars,
to a brother who’d grown distant.
And traveled to America
in search of a safe existence.
My family came to Anaheim,
hoping for a better life.
But faced racism and passing laws
that struck us like a knife.

My heart has been warmed
and my heart has been broken,
the emotions piercing like shards of glass.
I have learned so much from the lives I’ve lived
and I will live a thousand more.
A thousand more to last.

I based the descriptions off books I love, so I challenge you to figure out what those books are. Some of them are really obvious, but others aren’t so clear.

I’m not going to be tagging anyone specifically, but if you’d like to do this, consider yourself tagged!

Do you like writing, painting, designing, or baking more?


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