Memes,  Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions/Goals for 2021

Hey everyone! Today I’ll be doing another Top Ten Tuesday.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl where there is a topic and you make a list that best fits it. This week’s topic is Resolutions for 2021.


Number of books: I’d like to try to read at least 75 books this year. I’m the kind of person who reads one book at a time and the books I read usually have a few hundred pages in them, so I don’t read as many.

Genre of books: I want to start expanding the different genres I read. I mostly read fantasy and sometimes a little in other genres as well, but I’d like to begin reading some others, like science fiction or thriller.

Reviewing books: In order to review the books I read as honestly as I can, I want to try to review them as soon as I finish them. This way, I can remember everything that happened and touch on all the things I want to talk about in the review.


Creative writing: I have a second draft of a NaNoWriMo story that I wrote last November and I’d like to start revising it. I was planning to do it over winter break but I didn’t end up doing that. I’d like to go over it and edit it so I can possibly share it with others to get their views on it.

Journaling: Last year, when the shelter-in-place first started, an assignment I had for school was to keep a daily journal of what was happening in life. During the summer, I kept it up a little, but I slacked off and I’d like to pick it back up. I probably won’t journal everyday, but a few times a week would be nice.

Consistency: With these two writing goals that I have, I want to make sure I consistently do them and keep up with them. It’s alright if I maybe forget or skip a few days, but I want to try to keep a constant stream.


Posting schedule: I want to figure out a good posting schedule and stick to it. I feel like posting at least 3 times a week is a good idea, and if I can do more, that’s great. If not, that’s okay.

Writing posts in advance: I’ve been writing posts in advance so far, and I’d like to continue to do that. Writing them out before the day I want to post them helps me not be as stressed or rushed to post them and I do a better job at writing them.

Blog hopping: I don’t know a whole lot of people in the blogging community and I would like to get to know some more. I’d like to comment on some blogs and discover new ones.


Practice self-care: I kind of do this, but I really should get better at doing it. I definetely don’t drink enough water every day and I’d like to get in the habit of a better sleep routine.

Learn to play the ukulele: So, recently I decided I wanted to learn how to play the ukulele and I thought to put it down as one of my goals for this year. I know it’s going to be fairly easy, since I already know how to play the violin and read music, but it will still be fun.

Less screen time: Lately, during quarantine, I’ve been on screens a lot. I’d like to to try to minimize it. It’s hard because of school and everything and I have to be on Zoom and do homework on a computer, but I’m going to try my best.



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